JINPAT Optoelectronic Slip Rings and Electric High frequency Integrated Slip Rings

December 28, 2020

Fiber optic slip rings and high frequency slip rings are two of the slip rings family that have unique functions. They are similar in that they are both compact in size. Fiber optic slip rings and high frequency slip rings can be applied individually in the electromechanical system. But the often case, they are integrated in the large slip rings. For instance, fiber optic slip rings are usually integrated with capsule slip ring, hollow shaft slip ring or high power slip ring. In developing these kinds of slip rings, JINPAT finds out that there’s a greater demand for single mode slip rings. To answer this demand, JINPAT comes up with a series of slip ring assemblies consist of single mode fiber slip ring and high frequency slip ring.

Both JINPAT optoelectronic slip ring and electric high frequency integrated slip ring are developed from JINPAT through hole capsule slip ring LPC-12/24/30/36T. The diameter of the through hole on the prototype capsule slip ring ranges from 3 to 7mm. Slip rings with 12 channels, 24 channels, 30 channels and 36 channels are available. The rated current of each channel is 2A. These channels support hybrid transmission of power and signals. JINPAT engineers take advantage of the through hole on the capsule slip ring by integrating single mode high frequency slip ring, the LPCC series, or some single mode fiber optic slip rings.

To be distinguished from other standard slip ring products, JINPAT integrated high frequency slip rings are coded LPC-1C, JINPAT integrated fiber optic slip rings, LPC-1F. Let’s look at JINPAT LPC-1C series first. Inheriting perfect performances from the LPCC series, this integrated slip ring models not only excel in power transmission, they also enable single model high definition video signal transmit. With the coaxial cables be replaced by 50Ω impedance cables,this integrated high frequency slip ring can also transmit RF signals.

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Optoelectronic slip ring LPC-1F is a model developed from the LPCC high frequency slip ring. Replacing high frequency slip ring with fiber optic slip ring, especially with multi-mode fiber optic slip ring, the LPC-1F has a more powerful signal transmission performance. This is on account of fiber optic transmit which leads to wider bandwidth and high data rate. However, there’s certain limitation of multi-mode fiber optic transmission, the transmit distance. To solve this problem, single mode alternative is a very helpful solution.


JINPAT integrated slip rings LPC-1C series, LPC-1F series can be applied to a wide range of applications, and there are some overlaps between the two. For example, JINPAT has offer these two solutions for monitoring equipment. Besides, these two slip rings series can be applied in radio frequency electronics and automatic machines. Compared with other similar slip ring products, JINPAT integrated optoelectronic slip rings and integrated high frequency slip rings are more economical.

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