In today’s society, medical treatment and public health is a great focus at home or abroad. The development of advanced medical instrument and devices indicate the improvement in the medical industry. Modern medical diagnosis and treatment depend on various kinds of medical instrument and devices. The trends in medical instrument indicate where medical study heading to. Medical instrument and devices have specific requirements in terms of power and signal transmission: short delay time, low error rate, small loss, compatible to various signals and stable. JINPAT developed an integrated fiber optic slip ring that features high revolution speed and low electrical noise. JINPAT integrated fiber optic rotary joint provide reliable power and signal transmission for medical instrument and devices.
JINPAT Electronics, with an experienced R&D team, endeavors in developing slip rings in high quality and technology. JINPAT integrated fiber optic slip ring features high rotating speed and low electrical noise.
Wavelength range: 1200~1400nm
Insertion loss: <2dB
Insertion loss ripple: <0.5Db
Return loss: ≥40dB
Optical power: 23dBm
Maximum speed:6000rmp
Life span: >100000000r
Electrical noise: <45dB
JINPAT slip rings are well-designed and undergo systematic inspections. JINPAT integrated fiber optic electrical slip rings are processed by precision machines and then assembled by skilled technicians. During production, a specific grease is used as lubricant. JINPAT integrated fiber optic electrical slip ring is highly precise with machining accuracy error less than 0.005mm and electrical noise less than 45dB. There are more successful cases in applying this slip ring model to cardiovascular medical instruments and devices.