Among the slip ring models developed by JINPAT Electronics, some are standard models that can be applied in general electromechanical systems. For more complexed systems and applications, an individual customized slip ring solution is needed. Most of the integrated slip ring solutions are hybrid Ethernet slip rings. They are frequently used in CNC equipment, medical devices, radar systems and automated production industry.
As a historical slip ring manufacturer, JINPAT has developed several thousands of Ethernet slip rings that can integrate various signals like Ethernet, USB, HDMI, SDI, CAN and RS signals, etc. Aside from electric signals, there are also integrated solutions with pneumatic/hydraulic rotary unions. The latter kind is usually applied in automated production machines.
In the following, we will be looking at some typical integrated Ethernet slip ring solutions. To begin with, LPPL000-0405-E2-02A slip ring is a relatively simple one. There are 4 5A power channels and a 100M Ethernet channel. As for the pneumatic hydraulic module, there are 2 gas channels that take up stainless steel as material, which can endure pressure at 10Bar.
JINPAT Ethernet Slip Ring LPPL000-0404-E2-02A
LPPL000-0405-E2-02A is an integrated Ethernet slip ring with less electrical channels. It features multi pneumatic hydraulic channels. Also, there are many other Ethernet pneumatic hydraulic slip rings that are developed from through bore slip rings. LPT000-0632-0516-02E2-02A is a slip ring model of this category. There are only 2 channels in the pneumatic hydraulic module while having a sophisticated electrical module. In the latter part, there are 6 32A channels and 5 16A channels. In term of signal transmission, there are 2 100M Ethernet channels.
For more custom integrated slip ring solutions, you can browse our custom slip ring catalogue or drop us an email to talk about your needs in detail, JINPAT Electronics will spare no efforts in bringing you a satisfactory solution and product!